Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I always get stressed out in the fall and winter. The weather doesn't help. the colors are beautiful though in the fall.

I just needed to post.

Lol. so i did.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pleasure & Pain

I can honestly say I love life. This weekend I experienced the anguish of a break up one night only to wake up the next day and see the incredible joy and pleasure we have in this life when two are united in marriage. I'm learning a lot about pain, through the book I'm reading, and well through life now too. I handle it a lot better now that i appreciate its purpose in my life.

As for the wedding, love is so amazing, how it can provoke everything that comes with a wedding, beautiful service, beautiful people coming together to celebrate. and the best is when theres a sweet reception with lots of awesome food, a good dj, 2 hrs of dancing, with glow sticks and of course free alcohol. WIN!

i need to go to more weddings haha. its fun to dress up and have a good time :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beached Whale

So I'm in North Carolina vacationing with my girlfriends family. Its excellent. Yesterday we spent loads of time at the beach and in the late evening we went to watch baby turtles creep out from the sand and head for a life at sea. They never creeped. Oh well theres time tonight or the next. For the last few days I've had a lot on my mind. Most notably public speaking and the ability to move people through words. I need to get better at it. So I'm studying speeches. People can be moved to swell like the sea simply at the command of a well articulated person. I admire that.

I read the hunger games. good book. bad ending. but what books have good endings these days. its like authors get lame in the last 15 pages of a book. so im reading "wheres God when it hurts" for the second time, and also reading through a psych text book to buff up on my basic psychology. I love vacation. and i have a hunger for learning and growth (in specific) that modern education simply provide me cheap enough. Oh well. Here I come local library!

"Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action." -Benjamin Disraeli

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Forever in a moment

Today was a day that was action packed even though there were no major events. naturally my mind is set in motion. i dont really think theres much to say except that, i think the best days are summer days. life is crazy, i realize it when i retell my life stories. and whats best about it is that its simple days like today that lead up to a life of crazy.

good thing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


today was a good day. but not all days are good. sometimes i feel like my life is a jumble of things all thrown in the dryer a pair of shoes included. my thinking becomes like that of the shoes banging against the sides of the dryer. and the world spins until the cycle completes and i stagger out... to get folded.

if you've never experienced it then you wouldnt understand.

and i dont care if you don't. just take my word for it.

Existence has teeth, therefore sometimes reality bites.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I Am The Walrus

The suckers lose themselves in the games they used to play, and in the mean time i thought i'd let you in on a game i like to play (as a sucker). This is an amazing game and i share it with you. Its adapted from a game they play on "who's line is it anyway" but heres the deal:
The goal is to insert as many lines from songs you know into regular conversation with out getting caught. so obviously "dont stop believing" is probably not a good line or "i am the walrus" is not a good line either. i tend to go for more obscure lines, but i do try and find slip ones in that people will notice from time to time, but its all about setting up the line with a good sentence or two so that it goes undetected. like for instance somebody once told me the world is gonna rule me, i aint the sharpest tool in the shed (surprisingly this is an easy one to get away with). Yes you will get caught but the day you stare somebody in the face and say: Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you, by now you should have some how realized what you got to do... and they dont catch your wonderwall reference and just respond to you normally, THAT DAY my friend is a day you enjoy, almost guranteed.

do it.
you know you want to.

(also if the game ever begins to bore you, try using slogans, "save money, live better" etc.)

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Toilet & The Brain

I'm convinced that many of the worlds most novel ideas were thought up on the toilet. Sometimes i feel as if the human body was designed to get rid of its waste in a way that would make you stop and ponder life. and if you do not stop and ponder life while you are in the process of removing your excess, you should. i actually have fond memories of nice smelling bathrooms with plenty of space, room for me to think.

so next time you're on the john, put down the book, ponder your existence instead.